Register number of Youth Facilities in Catalonia: GE000057
Situated at the foot of Montseny Natural Park, La Granja is a family-runfarm school that has been performing its educational work for the last 23 years. Surrounded by nature, this 250,000-square-metre area, home to farmanimals and horses, is entirely devoted to children and education.
The site hosts school camps and holidays for all stages in the educationprocess (infant, primary and secondary), focusing on a range of centres ofinterest: the farm, nature and the environment, adventure, the Magic Forest(with characters), archaeology, the world of the circus, Synthesis Credits andemotional experiences.
La Granja is a pioneering centre in working on the emotional education ofchildren by using coaching techniques. To this end, we train oureducators/monitors in emotional education, coaching, conflict resolution, etc.
In summer, we organise our own English language-learning and horse ridingsummer camps (for individual children). Some weekends are devoted to familyvisits, designed for families who want to enjoy a short break surrounded bynature and animals.