La Granja

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Register number of Youth Facilities in Catalonia: GE000057

Situated at the foot of Montseny Natural Park, La Granja is a family-runfarm school that has been performing its educational work for the last 23 years. Surrounded by nature, this 250,000-square-metre area, home to farmanimals and horses, is entirely devoted to children and education.
The site hosts school camps and holidays for all stages in the educationprocess (infant, primary and secondary), focusing on a range of centres ofinterest: the farm, nature and the environment, adventure, the Magic Forest(with characters), archaeology, the world of the circus, Synthesis Credits andemotional experiences.
La Granja is a pioneering centre in working on the emotional education ofchildren by using coaching techniques. To this end, we train oureducators/monitors in emotional education, coaching, conflict resolution, etc.
In summer, we organise our own English language-learning and horse ridingsummer camps (for individual children). Some weekends are devoted to familyvisits, designed for families who want to enjoy a short break surrounded bynature and animals.

Services and facilities

Total places Total places: 240 
Simultaneous dining places Simultaneous dining places: 400 
Accessible places  Accessible places : 5 
Adapted bathroom Adapted bathroom: 1 
   6 bedrooms sleeping 18
   13 bedrooms sleeping 10
   1 bedroom sleeping 6
Multi-use rooms
   5 multi-use rooms: 70m2
   Multi-use room: 250m2
   1 event room: 200m2
Accommodation only Accommodation only 
Full board Full board 
Swimming pool Swimming pool 
Football pitch Football pitch: 3 
Basketball court Basketball court: 9 
Heating Heating 
Television Television 
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 
Sound system Sound system 
Projector Projector 
Public transport nearby Public transport nearby: Train i bus, for 300 m.  
Other descriptions Other descriptions:
- The centre comprises three separate houses, each with dining room, dormitories,washroom facilities and bedroom for teachers, all on one floor and with its ownentrance. The house is never shared with another group.
- Fields and esplanades all around.
- Table tennis tables
- Adventure facilities: Chinese bridge, large slide, climbing wall,adventure circuit, etc., adapted to all ages.
- Cinema (tube screen)
- Teachers room with Internet (free)
- Cafeteria (free for teachers and monitors from Monday to Friday)
- Large parking space
- Riding school and ring (20x40 metres)

- Farm animals and horses 


Activities and resources


Artistic activities
Food processing
Synthesis credits
Outings and discovery
Astronomy - planetarium
Nature classroom
Popular culture
Environmental education
Sustainability and renewable energies
Emotional learning

Programme and outings

This section is under construction. Please contact the site itself or ACCAC if you need information about the programme of activities


How to get here

Main distances

from Barcelona: 43,00 km
from Girona: 56,00 km
from Tarragona: 138,00 km
from Lleida: 182,00 km
Santa Maria de Palautordera: 3,00 km

Transport and services

Train - Palautordera: 0,30 km
Medical Center and Hospital Sant Celoni: 3,00 km
: 0,30 km

Places of interest

Sant Celoni: 3,00 km
Vilalba Sasserra: 2,00 km
Arenys de Mar: 20,00 km
Park - Montnegre i El Corredor: 11,00 km

Tour virtual

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Description of group and dates of visit

Full board
with activities
One-day visit

Mark if you DO NOT want to specify exact dates. In this case, it is important to specify preferred dates in the comments box.

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Contact person: Belén Rodríguez
Telephone no. 1: +34 93 848 11 25
Telephone no. 2: +34 93 847 95 28
Telephone no. 3: +34 93 848 22 77
Telephone no. 4: +34 93 848 23 28
Fax 1: +34 93 848 22 03
Email address: [email protected]
Address: Ctra. B-5302, a 350 m del Km 0,600 Santa Maria de Palautordera - Vallès Oriental
Postcode: 08460 Barcelona
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